The powerful short film ‘Any of Us’, created in partnership with multiple councils across the UK to encourage people from all backgrounds to consider becoming foster carers, has won two awards at the comms2point0 UnAwards, which recognises excellence in public sector communications.

The film, clinched the titles for “Best Collaboration” and “Best Creative Comms”, underscoring the collective efforts behind its achievements.

Over 80 council fostering teams collaborated to pool resources and share expenses for the production, administration, and launch of the project, bringing it to fruition.


The UnAwards judging panel said: “This is exactly the kind of campaign the public sector needs right now. It combined precious resources to secure a better chance of success for everyone who collaborated – boosted by smart targeting and a beautifully shot video. It just goes to show what can be achieved through our industry working together to address common challenges.”


The film’s success extends beyond recognition. In just one month, participating councils received 249 enquiries from potential foster carers that can be attributed to views. Calculated from average enquiry-to-approval statistics, these enquiries could result in 21 new foster carers over the next 12 months. This not only translates to substantial cost savings for the fostering community but also addresses the pressing need for more foster families across the UK.


About the film – “Any of Us” 

At its core, the message of this inspiring film is “any of us can foster a child or young person, if you have the capacity to care”.

“Looking through the lens of three diverse individuals, the film portrays some of the attributes needed to be a foster carer in incidents from their daily lives – Ayesha going to the aid of a pedestrian after a minor road accident, Neil calming down an aggressive situation in a snooker club, and Marsha identifying a young person showing signs of distress and intervening with them at school.

Different individuals in very different scenarios, but each in their own way showing the caring instinct and compassion that is fundamental to being a foster carer.

The film develops so that it becomes clear that one of these three everyday people will become the foster carer to Chloe. But which one of the three will be the one to make the difference? The main character’s stories are all interwoven with Chloe’s, as we see her journey into fostering.




Anyone who is thinking about fostering can find out more by speaking to one of the team, either complete our online enquiry form or call our freephone number on 0800 923 2777.